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Firearm Training


You don't know what it is you don't know...

This phrase appears often during firearm training classes and it means that many of the things you have learned at a local range, shooting at stationary targets, don’t represent realistic real-world scenarios. We live and function in a 360-degree environment, where targets shoot back and have innocent bystanders standing next to them. It has been said that every bullet has a lawyer's name attached to it, and we are responsible for every shot.

The job of the Long Island Tactical Training is to prepare you for a real-world confrontation. We deliver accurate shots to stop the attack (speed is fine, accuracy is final). We make you think strategically and, should it become necessary, give you the skills necessary to win a gunfight. You will learn to shoot on the move, keep your gun running, clear malfunctions, and never give up.

We offer classes for complete beginners to very advanced students. You will learn from every class you take with us. More and more states allow their citizens to carry firearms, and as we live in an increasingly violent world, you need all the skills you can get to make sure you and your families are safe.

We will coach you to become a more proficient shooter in a friendly and open environment. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.



My name is Igor, and I have been training in the world of firearms for over 20 years. I have taken courses nationwide with some of the best firearm instructors and have accumulated over 500 training hours. Encouraged by friends, I decided to start passing this knowledge to others. There is a definite shortage of tactical training in the State of NY. It’s an honor and a privilege to be able to share my enthusiasm for firearms and the Second Amendment with my students.

As an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, I am thrilled by the freedoms this country offers. We are truly blessed that our Founding Fathers have considered including the Right to Bear Arms in the Bill of Rights. No other country in the world has this much freedom for its citizens. In addition, I firmly believe in the ability to defend ourselves when we don't have access to weapons. Thus, I strongly encourage everyone to study Martial Arts. I currently hold a rank of a San Dan - Third Degree Black Belt in the art of Hakkoryu Jiu-Jitsu.

I am a big supporter of the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation. I am an NRA Certified Instructor and a Lifetime Patriot Member. I encourage all of my students to join the NRA and other organizations supporting the Second Amendment, as they are the only thing standing in the way of having our rights taken away.

As my students already know, I have an outgoing personality and will work patiently on building and improving your skills. I will gladly answer all questions and share all of my knowledge. I am looking forward to seeing you in one of my classes.


The following are some of the testimonials by the students who have attended classes in the past. 

John D.

I highly recommend the tactical shooting courses taught by Mr. Igor Shpak.   Igor understands tactical shooting and knows how to teach it.   I have taken the both the Level I and the Level II classes and have always come away with knowledge, techniques and drills which I can practice at home to improve my shooting and survivability.  I look forward to the Spring outdoor shooting classes, new material, new drills and just plain fun!


Shawn C.

After owning firearms and handguns for over five years, I decided it might be a good idea to learn more then the basics. When I saw A post about a tactical handgun class, I thought it might be an interesting progression to my handgun education. After about 10 minutes of the class, I realized how little I actually knew. By the end of the class I had a whole new level of understanding, accuracy, confidence, and a training guideline that I could use to continually improve. 

Igor and his team were knowledgeable, professional, and push me just enough to take me out of my comfort zone and try things that I normally would not. This proved to be hugely beneficial as my confidence level is far beyond anything I could have expected.  They made me understand that while I have years of experience and have taken this class, there is so much more to learn and most importantly, A long way to go before I master my skills. 

I am looking forward to taking more classes with Igor as I build my confidence, improve my skills and have fun!

Eugene L.

I was fortunate to take 3 classes from Igor, the introductory class twice as well as an advanced class. I am an experienced civilian shooter with diverse training classes behind my belt but still chose to take Igor's classes because they are fun, not far from NYC and are well-priced. Igor possesses vast knowledge in the shooting field and he willingly shares it with his students. Both introductory and advanced classes are well balanced between time spent being lectured and the time you actually shoot. Most lectures are interactive - Igor seeks responses from his students, that makes lectures more fun yet still there is a lot of knowledge transferred from Igor to the students. There were plenty of different shooting scenarios, untimed first and with the timer added as classes progressed. Overall fun 8 hrs spent on the range.   

Vitaly L.

I really enjoyed Tactical Pistol Level 1and Tactical Pistol Level 2 classes. Long Island Tactical Training experience is exceptional. It gave me the opportunity to reinforce prior training skills and helped me identify some personal training scars to correct, such as the proper placement of the finger on the trigger and fixing three common types of malfunctions. I also loved the drills and different shooting scenarios.

Igor is an extremely knowledgeable and professional instructor.
Can’t wait for another class.


michael M.

I took the level I class to refresh the skills I thought I had; with the excellent detailed, relevant, and most importantly -- patient -- instruction and practical drills, I quickly discovered and corrected my faults and am much more confident and capable. I will be taking the level II and level III classes as they are scheduled.

Mr. Shpak is an extremely knowledgeable and competent instructor who runs a very safe range for serious shooters.